Saturday, April 25, 2020

Project Sunrise: Day 25


It is official that I am now unemployed ✊✊✊
I don't feel like I lose my identity or part of myself, which is surprising since this was what scared me back in Dec last year when making this decision. But maybe it's because it's only been a day 😂😂😂

HBR When Losing Your Job Feels Like Losing Your Self

I feel more anxious towards how I can support myself financially but also have some money in investment. I usually have 6 months coverage emergency fund while the rest goes to investment. But now that I don't have regular paycheck, I decide to have 12 months cash cushion instead. Means, I let myself enjoy this happy time for 6 months so by end of Oct I should (I really should) have a new job and 6 months emergency fund.

But... The other factor that can make this 12 months emergency fund too little is if the economy doesn't recover next year. Will make adjustment to the plan based on latest update in the news.*

*this very much like working in weekly forecast 😂


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