Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Project Swordsman: Month 3 Got Better

Here we are in the end of the third month. I have done the eat-sleep-repeat cycle for three months and finally become accustomed to it. Came to love having free time and do nothing hahaha, not bad actually.
I guess I could say that this is the peak of my content level. By that I mean if I have a gauge filled with mixed emotions, today I feel 100% content, for where I am today. Sharing with you things I am thankful for, excited about, and looking forward to in three bullet points.

  • I am thankful for friends and family who stay. (Though I might attract creepy-vibe type of friend, but I am thankful for you too)
Mentioning some names I get in touch with this last 30 days that I can remember of.
SO (his update perikanan and encouragement as my alternative energy source🙇); Fika (her baking & hand craft practice update and gardening aspiration shows what passion is); War pocari: Wida, Dhila, Andas (I won't survive without you, das); Last night's catch up: Novi, Astari, Bea, Zuhdi, Toni, Ducun; Weirdest pick up line: Diar, Sahil, Arfie, Dwiky, Diba, mas Hary; Lovely mentor: Pak Fajar, Pak Deden, Mas Wisnu, Kak Tifa; My apakabar monthly routine: Gun, Daryl, Gepe; Travel partner 2017-18: Yoan, Darin, Ami.
I realize that people come and go and that is fine. We know we always got each other, right?
I learn that love cross boundaries, tsaaaah
  • I am excited about my learning progress and where it leads to.
I've been meaning to take MicroMasters Program in edx provided by MITx since 2017, but only got the courage, resources, and enough grit earlier this year. The program consists of 5 courses and 1 comprehensive exam expected to be completed in one year and five months. And I have completed the first course with excellent score. YAY! I didn't know that I have that much perseverance needed to stay on schedule and do what it takes. I am proud of myself (shameless me).
Now I am enrolled in the next course that will start in Sep 9th. Might need to dip into my emergency fund if still don't have job by then but let's see. I also consider getting certification in supply chain or project management but this will wait until there is enough resource to do so. Waiting is a good thing here so that I have time to check and be sure if I really want it.

Failing in an aptitude test in early June also do me good favor. I have been playing brain games since then and kind of understand what areas I need to improve: language and problem solving. It is the reason I am back into reading. Tons of books from Big Bad Wolf I haven't read yet haha.
  • I am looking forward to take a leap of faith.
Just kidding. I am indeed taking a leap of faith by aiming to do a career transition in these challenging times. But I ain't doing another one in this year (I guess?). 

After sending 40 applications (it is exactly 40, I have checked my list), I finally got an interview earlier this month for a consultant role. The interview made me realize that sending applications without getting feedback makes me question my capabilities & experiences. That leads to me sending more applications aimlessly, then leads to more self-criticism. It is a never ending cycle that takes so much energy.

The interview is a wake-up call, that I actually know what I want and what I am capable of. I think that's why it was easy for me and the person who I was talking to to agree that the vacancy she had was not the right fit for me. After that day, I decide on an indicator for a job I should apply to. Quoting the famous Steve Jobs, "As with all matters of the heart, you'll know when you find it." And by that I translate it into, "I should apply when even writing a cover letter excites me." You know that kind of excitement when you gotta spend a day with your loved ones, 
you are already happy even when you haven't met them yet .

I found that job and I am smiling when clicking the submit button. Feels like I have done something good for myself.

That's it. Talk to you next month.

Bonus: my desk setup for the last three months and what I see when I sit down. Working while watching BTS all day everyday. 

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