Thursday, April 16, 2020

Project Sunrise: Day 16


Sometime this week, I started to read Death Note after working hours. It made me feel the excitement, blood rushing thing, when reading such a page-turning work of art. I obviously need to get back into reading. Oh! My package from UK is on its way, yay. It is Liz Climo's latest book, You're Mom. Grant Snider also launched a new book recently. I will certainly buy it once my new budgeting scheme is proven to be working. Haha.


Earlier this morning, the day starts with huge amount of worry--building up since almost 3 weeks ago-- that finally turns into sparks of relief. It's not because there is good news, but more of a confirmation statement that is more believable. So to sum up the story: though I am in a familiar situation with pretty much expected outcome, I feel uneasy. So I go to the source of this feeling of worry, then ask confirmation whether there is something going on. And finally, I feel relieved when that somebody confirmed that me feeling worried is valid. I didn't realize that I need consolation that much (I know I crave for affection but didn't know that consolation, comfort, and trust are the form of affection that I need right now).

Even my current learning indicate to do fact check before moving to decision making 😂😂

Maybe it is just me being human that demand affirmation? I know Jessica says a lot about self-affirmation but it is very hard to do if you have insecurities, you know that. I am crying while writing the previous part, but not because I am sad. It's just weird to feel love and comfort to the point of you feel content about what you have in the present and makes your fear of the future become ridiculous.

I like him even when he is angry or bothered, love is so weird.
Now I feel at ease.


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