Saturday, August 22, 2020

Project Swordsman: Month 4 Reflection

Oh, so serious! What I learnt from this fourth month.

1. Choose a growth mindset. Recognize you're in control of your choices.
2. Always choose action over inaction. (I take this by heart. One real example is applying as teaching assistant for current SC Analytics run, surprisingly got accepted, then able to meet many amazing people behind the course.)
3. Define success internally, not externally. (Masih terngiang di telingaku ucapan ulang tahun dari SO.)

On the fun side, I got to spend most of my time doing things that best describe "yusrina's teenage days".

1. Comics/anime
2. Boygroup fangirl
3. TV series/shows
4. Sports

Tried to read novels but I couldn't endure five minutes without checking my phone hahaha either the book wasn't good enough or I just lost the skill 🙃 One after school activity that I haven't touched yet is singing/violin practice. Plan to try cover a song but need some more confidence boost haha, been too long not singing more than humming in the shower.

Anyway, it's great to do things I love and recognize that I am actually in control of my choices (I know we need to talk about privilege but you got my point right?). I wish I could keep this in mind and remember it whenever I feel lost.


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