Thursday, August 30, 2018

Tampilan Baru Fit

Saya suka banget dengan tampilan baru Google Fit. Lebih clean gitu rasanya. Cuma kesel aja sih muka ada di tengah gitu wkwk. (tapi bagusnya, itu tepat sebelum berjemur di penida jadi muka belum belang bekas kacamata, belum hinyay gareuleuh hahah)

Jalan hari ini dikit banget sebab berangkat naik gojek, kirain telat dateng meeting rupanya salah ingat jam. Makan siang titip ke mba. Menuju tempat makan malam naik angkot. Pulangnya naik gojek. Itungan jalan di Citywalk cuma karena semua tempat mi kuahnya ga ada aja sehingga terpaksa berkeliling hahah.
Yang saya ga suka itu grafik weight aja. Soalnya yang baru ini bikinnya per jangka tertentu. Padahal saya inginnya nyambung terus dari 2017 gitu lho. Terus ini skalanya beda-beda tiap grafiknya (karena data pointnya beda sih) jadi kurang mudah bacanya. Kalau yang dulu bisa dislide gitu.

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Saturday, August 25, 2018

Sunday, August 12, 2018

Grateful #1 Gado-Gado Cemara

I didn't remember how soft the tofu in gado-gado Cemara was. Now I do. Beyond wonderful how it tastes in my mouth.

I am grateful for what God has given me until today: a soul, free time, good food, good life.

I am about to (and wish to) write a better/longer piece, but it takes time and more energy. Two are sitting in the draft rn. Wish me a consistent will. Ehehe.

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Thursday, August 2, 2018

The Japanese House

My current jam these past two weeks, to cope up with huuuuge workload. Me happy though haha.

I discovered the song Saw You In A Dream not so long ago, thru Daily Mix 5 which 'contain' british/scottish indie pop songs. Catchy so that i keep singing the verse although the song ended minutes ago and another song is on playing. So then I checked who The Japanese House is.

23 years old
4 EP

Ok fine, world. Do as you please.
Oh, and found out that she has one song on 13 Reasons Why titled Cool Blue. Haven't checked yet.
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