Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Kerja Praktik 2: Application

1. I am attaching my resume to give additional information concerning my background and interests. I believe that my experiences will benefit your company. I would appreciate the opportunity to further discuss the possibility for an internship program in __________________. Feel free to contact me at (+62)___________ or _________@gmail.com to arrange an interview.

Thank you for your time – I am looking forward to learn more about this opportunity.


Yusrina Nur Dini

2. I have been interested in marketing since elementary school. That time, I wanted to do commercial voiceover for radio and television.
After taking Creative Writing class in high school, i wanted to be a copy writer. Working in marketing division, and maybe a copy writer, has been my dream job since then.
I believe that marketing and sales is the heart of a FMCG.

Dua tulisan di atas merupakan usaha saya menggapai cita-cita sejak kecil. Yang pertama itu cover letternya resume yang udah dikirim ke HRD sebuah perusahaan entertainment pada jumat lalu. Yang kedua itu ngisi online application form untuk internship di sebuah perusahaan FMCG.

Seminggu ini terasa seperti sebulan, setiap 15 menit email dan handphone dicek. Berharap ada kabar gembira tiba.


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